Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings in the wonderful city of Winnipeg
Thank you to the two kind hearted guys that helped my husband and family yesterday while on the boat. We are brand new boaters tonight and we decided to take my dad out for a ride. We had some pretty bad luck tonight and and experienced some good learning lessons! First off, we took my daughter tubing and it filled with water and we couldn't get the tube back on the boat. Second, we anchored in Belleriver to eat dinner and the waves started to get really rough. My husband couldn't get the anchor back into the boat as the waters were so rough. These two kind gentlemen, must of seen that we were stuck, came over to our boat in the water, helped pushed the boat out as we were beached and getting closer and closer to the dock. Thank you so much, your help was very much appreciated!
So this has been bothing me since Tuesday and I need to share.
My son who is 8 years old went to Lacasse Park in Tecumseh with his Respite Worker. It was their first day together after a few months of me trying to find one for him with no luck, but that's not the problem.
While they were out I received a phone call from a private name, private number, it was a police officer asking if I knew that my son was with this man This man who by the way has a police clearance in order to become a respite worker, this man who I had interviewed a week prior.
All because 3 woman noticed that my son didn't look like the man he was with, so their conclusion of the situation was that the man isn't his father, so he must be kidnapped because he's calling the man by his first name.
1st thank you for being that concerned, but 2nd please people be aware that not all children with Respite Workers are in wheel chairs, or have Autisim, or Down Syndrom, some kids have mental health issues, and hidden behaviour issues and need a Respite Worker. 3rd that man my child was with could have been an uncle, family friend, neighbor or a boyfriend of mine, because my son's father isn't around and hasn't been for 5 years.
Please when being observant, you keep all factors in mind before calling 911 and reporting things.
I had the most horrifying thing happened today leaving Wal-Mart. My daughter was eating a candy she decided to swallow the whole thing it got stuck in her throat. They could not get it out she was gagging her face went white and purple she couldn't breathe. I didn't know what to do I was trying everything and i was screaming for help. I had a couple come running up to me trying to help but nothing was working we could not get it out of her throat. For a minute she stopped breathing, gagging and stopped moving.
This older lady came running up to us, grabbed Jordan out of his arms and gave her the baby Heimlich. If it wasn't for her who knows what would have happened! I wish I would have got her name, thank God that you showed up and saved my little girl. You are an angel in my eyes, Jordan is now home and everything is good, just have to keep an eye on her breathing. When you think you're prepared for everything and something like that happens I felt so hopeless for my child. Everything I was doing wasn't helping her, watching your child trying to breathe but can't it's the worst feeling ever. So again to this amazing lady who helped my little girl I want to say thank you so much
God bless you xoxo
My beautiful nine-year-old female microchipped Siamese cat "Snowshoe" has been missing since September 11, 2016 from our home at 93 Riverview Blvd., St. Catharines Ontario. There have been no sightings. She could've been relocated anywhere. If you know someone who has acquired a new Siamese cat with her distinguishing white chin, white tipped front paws and white back legs in the last nine months, please let me know. Any leads are welcomed.
The windy sky was appropriate on this special day as we celebrated the raising of our beautiful Canadian flag (http:/ / The flag was raised at Dieppe Gardens as many gathered together cheering and applauding. As O' Canada echoed through the crowd, gunshots were fired as a part of Windsors 125th Birthday celebrations. Everyone was filled with such joy watching the amazing addition to our Windsor skyline.
Thank you Windsor police for making our kids smile all day! You turned on your light and they were so excited! Thankyou so much!
Blind Canadian Children need schools across canada. If you agree please sign
Deputy Speaker Joe Comartin recognizing our officers in Ottawa on Monday. Thank You, we are all appreciative of you doing this for our officers here at the Windsor Police Service.